The Versus Principles

Your guide to spiritual abundance in the information age

Aligned Living, More Peace & Deeper Discussions

By: Darlene M Turriff

Theologian & Life Strategist


I am happy you are here! I am Darlene Turriff and I have spent a lifetime devoted to spiritual understanding. I am a theologian and a student of A Course in Miracles. More importantly I have come to an understanding that our lives are meant to incorporate and not separate.

If you are ...

Feeling out of alignment with your true self…
Feeling something is missing but you don’t know what…
Keep searching but cannot seem to make a difference….

If you have a strong faith or spirituality but…

Your life is still out of control...
You struggle with personal issues...
You feel like there has got to be more…

If you want a community of seekers….

So that you can take action…
So that you can co-create your life …
So that you can finally understand and transform the way you show up in your life…

Then I invite you to join me…

In the Versus Principles Thought Club.

Join Now


The connection one has to their true self. True self is that part that is eternal and collective, also known as, the divine intelligence, God, the creator, the universe, the soul.... KEY WORD... connection!

People get lost in the rules and knowledge, when really just like a lamp on it's own, it has no power. The secret to the light is it's connection to the power source. Your spirituality is a practice you can repeat that connects you to your source.

Versus Principles

Our human experience is at its core the journey to embrace both parts of ourselves, the ego and the spirit. To bring together that which by nature is separate


Unlike other spiritual masters, I do not believe that ego is something to overcome. I do not believe spirit is holy and ego is sin. This is NOT a quest for perfection or enlightenment. This is about absolute PEACE available to us right now.

You can shift your life around in a moment when you begin to see everything as 2 decisions. I will share with you my decision method called the Versus Principles.™

I have created the Versus Principles Thought Club for the purpose of transformational discussion. Applied faith is key to living my purpose and I believe living yours. When we can gently incorporate our ego self into that applied faith we are free to live in peace.

To become a member of the Versus Principles Thought Club

Coming Soon 

  • We will discuss one key principle per month.
  • There is 1 Q & A on zoom per month
  • There is 1 learning lesson per week in a FB community
  • There is a private FB community
Apply Now

I will provide a summary of the principles, from my upcoming book The Versus Principles

This is a membership available by request

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